Port Arthur Blog


Port Arthur Talk - Climate Change

By Port Arthur Accommodation on March 8, 2020 in

17 March

The Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority presents this semi-regular series of Talks by authoritative speakers on a variety of topics, ranging from history and conservation to environmental issues, research results, study tours and much more. Rich and varied subjects and speakers make for fascinating listening and discussion.

Held every couple of months at the Junior Medical Officer’s Conference Room at Port Arthur Historic Site, the Talks are free of charge and open to anyone who is interested in the topic.

Climate Change and what it means for Heritage

Far from being an isolated voice at the bottom end of the earth, Tasmania is contributing substantially to the global conversation about how we navigate the challenges in cultural heritage associated with a rapidly changing environment.

Dr Caitlin Vertigan shares highlights of her keynote presentation to the international Sea Change conference in Blackpool.  This presentation is effectively a summary of what everyone else in the international heritage world is talking about in relation to responses to the impacts of climate change.  Dr Vertigan will also share her experiences of some heritage places around the UK that are facing similar challenges.

Aside from working for PAHSMA for many years, Dr Vertigan has a PhD in marine ecology, working in Victoria on both marine and terrestrial ecological projects, extensive science communication, and bridging the gap between the heritage and the scientific worlds.  She currently is employed as a Conservation Project Officer at Port Arthur where she is responsible for the conservation and management of the natural values of PAHSMA’s World Heritage Sites.

Starting 5:00pm

The building at the rear of the Junior Medical Officer’s House, Port Arthur Historic Site

Light refreshments provided

Click here for more information.